391-400 of 614 Results

Top 6 Health Benefits Oat Bran Nutrition (+ How to Use It)

There's oat bran, oat groat, oatmeal, rolled oats — yes, it can get a little confusing to understand the difference between these many terms. But the most common question may be which type of oat is healthiest? Does the way an oat groat is split, steamed or rolled impact its health benefits? Research shows that the…

Yacon Syrup: Improve Digestion & Immunity with This Prebiotic (+ Other Benefits)

Refined sugar and sweeteners made artificially are extremely hazardous for your health. There really are no "best artificial sweeteners," but there are great alternative sweeteners or "healthy" sweeteners out there. Yacon syrup is one of them. It's a natural sweetening agent extracted from the tuberous roots of the yacon plant. The syrup has a molasses-like dark…

How to Improve Liver Function (in 5 Steps)

Boosting liver health to remove toxins from the body has been an integral part of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine practices for thousands of years. Referred to as the ultimate multitasking organ, ancient practitioners believed that the liver was one of the primary organs that needed to be treated in sick patients. In ancient Chinese medicine, it’s…

Morel Mushrooms: 5 Health Benefits, Plus How to Hunt for Them!

With their unique honeycomb appearance and deep, earthy flavor, morel mushrooms have become a fast favorite among chefs and foodies alike. But in addition to dialing up the taste and aroma of dishes, morels also bring a host of mushroom health benefits to the table as well. In fact, research shows that they may help…

Edible Bugs: Which Ones to Eat (and Always Avoid!)

Did you know that humans have been chomping down on edible bugs for thousands of years? Yes, it's true and today, eating bugs is actually quite common if you go outside of the United States. Recently, insects are being touted as the "protein of the future" as pasta made with grasshoppers and crickets is being…

Top 6 Cinnamon Tea Benefits + How to Make It

Cinnamon tea is a popular beverage favored for both its medicinal properties and delicious, soothing flavor. But is drinking cinnamon tea good for you? In recent years, research has unearthed a number of powerful benefits of cinnamon, plus several impressive ways that cinnamon can impact your health. From regulating blood sugar levels to preserving brain…

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

The Mediterranean diet is well-known for its health-promoting properties. In fact, proponents of the Mediterranean diet claim it may promote cognitive function, support heart health, help fight cancer and keep blood sugar levels steady. However, while most of us are pretty familiar with the concept of the diet, few know exactly what a Mediterranean diet…

Top 7 Essential Oils for Cough

Along with the common cold, the flu and other respiratory conditions typically comes a cough that keeps you up at night and limits your ability to breathe with ease. Although so many people suffer from a cough every year, many aren't aware of the natural remedies that are truly effective. There are several essential oils…

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

Do you know how to get rid of ingrown hair? If not, you're about to find out! Ingrown hairs are hair follicles that grow in the wrong direction. What helps with ingrown hairs? Getting rid of them can be even more challenging than getting rid of pimples, but there are some great natural remedies you can…

Complete Mediterranean Diet Food List

Is there a diet that's both health-promoting and absolutely delicious? Yes, and its name is the Mediterranean diet. This way of eating is loaded with major health benefits and a Mediterranean diet food list that will leave your mouth watering. It's a diet that can appeal to people of all different ages and backgrounds, it's not…