441-450 of 648 Results

Thyroid Nodules: 7 Natural Ways to Manage Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Thyroid nodules are the most common disorder involving the endocrine system, but when you feel a lump in your throat or it's detected during a routine physical exam, it's normal to feel worried. Although thyroid nodules may seem scary, about 90–95 percent of them are non-cancerous growths that develop in an otherwise normal thyroid gland.…

Rehmannia: the Anti-Diabetic, Neuroprotective TCM Herb

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), rehmannia is one of the top 50 fundamental herbs employed for natural treatment of various health concerns. (1) It's typically a go-to choice for conditions thought to be the result of a yin deficiency. In TCM, an optimal state of health is believed to come from a proper balance of…

Mulberry: The Fruit that Protects Your Heart & Liver

There's a pretty good chance that you've seen a mulberry tree or two pop up in your local park, neighborhood or even your own backyard. This tree produces a tart and tasty fruit that looks similar to a blackberry and can be used to sweeten up just about any dish. The mulberry fruit may be…

How to Make Dill Pickles (Plus Benefits, Nutrition and More)

Pickles are great, as long as you don’t find yourself in one! All jokes aside, just what are pickles? They're usually made from cucumbers and a brine of water, vinegar, salt, and dill weed or dill oil. They're commonly found as kosher dill and hamburger dill, though sweet dill is a common southern treat. However, I'm focusing…

Top 5 Health Benefits of Bean Sprouts (#2 Is a Sight to Behold)

Bean sprouts are exactly what they sound like — literally sprouts that come from beans — and while sprouting can be done using just about any bean, the most common bean sprouts usually come from mung beans and soybeans. They're filled with fiber and virtually fat-free, especially the mung bean version, which is why they're a filling,…

Is Decaf Coffee Good or Bad for Your Health?

We all love and adore that morning cup of coffee. Whether it’s from the aroma of the bold, robust flavor or the ritual of making the coffee and grinding our own beans, it's a nostalgic experience, one in which we seem to never get enough. Many people consume coffee for that pure caffeine rush, some…

Portobello Mushroom Helps Combat Cancer, Inflammation & More

The portobello mushroom is one of the most widely consumed mushrooms in the world. Among most other types of mushrooms, especially those called "medicinal mushrooms," portobellos are known as natural cancer-fighters and protectors of the immune system. Compared to more expensive and sometimes difficult-to-find mushrooms — like shiitakes or reiki mushrooms, for example — portobello mushrooms…

Tamarind Fruit Benefits Weight Loss, Heart Health & More

Classified as both a legume and a fruit, the tamarind fruit is unique in just about every way. From its pod-like appearance to its distinct sour-sweet taste, it's true that there's nothing ordinary about this tasty fruit. The tamarind fruit is a staple ingredient in cuisines around the world. Used to make everything from candy…

Annatto: Is This Natural Food Dye Safe?

With a rich red color and distinct peppery taste, annatto has been used for centuries to enhance palatability and make dishes that pop on the plate. Although food coloring has earned a bad reputation for its potential adverse effects on health, annatto stands apart as a natural way to give foods color and flavor without…