71-80 of 559 Results

Going Plastic-Free: 15+ Ways to Go Beyond Reusable Bags and Straws

Have you heard? It's raining plastic, making it more important than ever to focus on going plastic-free. Researchers are now detecting microplastics in the air, the rain, the seafood we eat, our bodies ... the list truly goes on and on. According to research published in Science Advances, nearly every piece of plastic ever created…

How Much Sugar Per Day Is Too Much?

Sugar has gotten a bad rap and for good reason. It's in almost every packaged food you pick up at the grocery store, and there seems to be quite a sugar addiction epidemic in the U.S. If you don’t see the word “sugar” in the ingredients list, there is likely another form of it that you simply…

Muscle Recovery Do’s and Don’ts for Optimal Fitness

Whether you’re trying to burn fat or gain muscle, what you do in terms of exercise, diet and the time you rest in between workouts makes all difference. We all know that working out is great for boosting strength, slimming down and toning up, but unless you want to deal with ongoing muscle soreness, fatigue…

25 Top Superfoods to Get Into Your Diet

You’ve likely heard the term “superfoods” tossed around quite a bit and have probably heard about all of the benefits offered by these nutrient-rich dietary additions. So what is considered a superfood exactly? Although there’s no set criteria as to what defines a superfood, these are foods that are jam-packed with nutrients that help provide…

Chocolate Avocado Mousse Recipe

Avocado chocolate mousse is one of my favorite healthy sweet treats. It combines the nutritional powerhouse of superfood avocado with natural sweeteners to make for a chocolate mousse that's actually good for you. This gluten-free recipe is rich, smooth and satisfying, and it's sure to be a hit for the dessert lovers in your life.…

21 Fat-Burning Foods to Add Your Diet Today

Chowing down on nutrient-dense, fat-burning foods and drinks can help you drop pounds and also improve your health in many ways. For example, a healthy, balanced diet may be able to help reverse diabetes and reduce your risk of obesity and other health problems, including certain types of cancer. Plus, when you ask the average…

11 Best Vitamin D Foods and How to Maximize Absorption

Without a doubt, vitamin D is one of the most important micronutrients when it comes to your health. It's involved in just about everything from immunity to brain function, and researchers are still regularly turning up new ways that vitamin D affects your well-being. However, with a limited selection of vitamin D foods available —…

Sea Salt vs. Table Salt: Benefits, Types, Uses, Side Effects & More

Salt has been used as a natural flavoring agent for thousands of years, and it’s so vital to our existence that a portion of our tongues is even designated to taste saltiness. However, in recent years, salt has come under fire and been characterized as an unhealthy substance that we should cut out of our…

Dangers of Heavy Metals & How to Do a Heavy Metal Detox

Symptoms and even chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity (also called heavy metal poisoning) is now considered to be a problem that millions of people deal with. That makes incorporating a heavy metal detox into your routine from time to time vitally important. Exposure to toxic heavy metals is believed to be a contributing…

Top 7 Heart-Healthy Foods in a Heart-Healthy Diet

Your heart plays a crucial role in your health. It's responsible for pumping blood throughout the body to supply your tissues with important nutrients and oxygen, and it works tirelessly 24/7 to keep you going. What you eat directly influences the health of your heart, and incorporating a few heart-healthy foods into your diet is…