Cilantro Ginger Smoothie Recipe

This cilantro ginger smoothie recipe is full of amazing health benefits! The cilantro helps your body to detoxify while the ginger helps soothe inflammation! Try this great recipe today!
Total Time
2 minutes
Diet Type
- ½ cup cilantro
- 1 cup chopped cucumber
- Juice of one lime
- 2 teaspoons grated ginger
- 4 dried figs
- 4 ounces sheep or coconut yogurt
- Add all ingredients to a high speed blender.
- Puree on high until completely smooth.
- Serve immediately.
Please keep comments under 200 characters.
Where do I buy Sheep or Coconut Yogurt??? And can I leave out the dryed figs?? I’m not sure where to buy them also?? Some ingredients are easy to find and others are not…I want simple ingredients I can find all at one store. When I can’t get everything at 1 shopping trip, I then don’t want to get anything…
I like.
I never get sick but recently I have pain around my eye and ear I’m the bone. I also have sensitive spots on the scalp. It is only on the right side. I have occasional sharp pulsating pricking around my eye and a few red spots have shown up exactly where
I felt the pain.
I know it is not bacterial. I am treating it as a virus. I am thinking it might be shingles but it is no place else. There is a constant bearable pain as well.
Any ideas? I’m am going to make some immune support team and smoothies. Would it hurt to try lysine just in case.
I did go to my chiro just in case it had to do with pinched nerves. Results were no more leasions, less pricking feeling but still pain
I found this site by accident. I love the recipes and topics. I live in Australia.
What is dried figs benefits in cilantro & ginger smoothie?
If it’s just a sweetener can I use alternatives?
I love this website and you Dr Axe! wish we could have you and your products in Mexico! :D
On your cinnamon link on this thread there is some great information. The nutrition facts are based on a one ounce serving. Should anyone actually consume that much cinnamon in one day?
I’ve just discovered I am suffering with acid reflux. Because of this I am unable to achieve any good amount of sleep. I have significantly changed my diet and slowed down my eating habit. What else should I do on a natural level?
Hello Dr.Axe,
I love learning all I can with you. You make all the information understandable! Thanks.
I want to detox, but I do not know how to start. I have a liver cleans and kidney cleanse from optimoxx they did not include instructions on which to start first. Can you give me any instruction or info about how to do a detox?
Thank you in advance for any information.
Great recipe. Thanks!
I am working through another round of Grovers disease. Any thoughts on what to do to relieve the itch and inflammation?
I have to be careful since I also have a double MTHFR gene mutation.
Thanks for your time.
I am so sorry to hear you’re going through this. I would recommend consulting your primary healthcare physician as they know your medical history. I am wishing you all the best on your health journey! Blessings.
Hi there,
the 4 Ounces of Sheep in the recipe? You are talking about Lamb or Mutton
It says “4 ounces sheep or coconut yogurt”… as in from sheep’s milk
Was just diagnosed with chirrosis of the liver. Undergoing blood tests at present and waiting for results. Have had sonogram which confirmed. Dr has nit stated whst type liver chirrosus yet. I’ve tead sime in your website about detoxifying, eating raw vegetables, some of your juice tecipes. Do you have any additional links for stopping/reversing this condition. Any advice or links would be appteciated as I am trying to get as informed as possible. Thanks (if yoy could tespond to my email address that would bd truly appteciated)!!!!
Dr. Axe, How often should someone drink this in order to detox? Once a day or more? For how long?
Awesome piece of information.Thanks! your postings have been ablessing to me.
God bless you
How often would you drink this?
Hey Doc! New to site, nice job! Shot in the dark, my wife has sensitivity luminitis and contracted a lung disease thru mold and now has fibrosis of the lungs! She’s on liquid oxygen 24/7 going on 5 years and is only 57 yrs old! Any thoughts on cares or cures! They give her steroids for the inflammation so I was looking up bromalain and papain on your site! Any idea would be great she’s at the end of her rope! Steve
I love your site and sincerely appreciate all your advice. I have liver issues, NAFLD and my doctors are talking about putting me on diuretics. So I came to see what your advice would be and am so happy to see there are so many things I can do naturally and not need to take as much as they are projecting. I’ll try anyway and have been so successful following you in the past, I am sure it will work out well. Of course, I tell my Physicians exactly what I am doing so they can prescribe apprropriately.
I love your web site and health articles. My nightmare is my husband has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. He has pulmonary hypertension due to lung nodules plus heart failure. On top of it all he has mantle cell lymphoma all seem to be in
the mediastinal area. It is indolent-watch and wait-stage.
In the meantime he looks great. He is on oxygen 24/
I have been looking at colliasal silver. What really interest me is cilantro. It looks a herb I could safely use. I think I will try it out.
Is it true Ceylon Cinnamon is better for your kidneys?
I think ceylon cinnamon is the best cinnamon option. Check this out:
Found on the net that cilantro is great for removal of heavy metals?
i happened upon your site and found myself navigating from one section to the next. . . very informative and easy to follow..i will recommend to friends!
Awesome! Welcome to the community!
is there anything else you can substitute for the tomatoe?
Leave them out
My Father is having a terrible outbreak of Grovers Disease. Around the base of both thumb nails, the tops of his hands, his inner elbow and front of his shoulder are blistered, broken skinned and raw, his is so itchy he can’t think straight. The Doctor prescribed topical creams and prednisone for 8 days decreasing dosage in that time.
He has and excellent diet. almost all Raw and not much meat, nearly no fat. He is very healthy. 67 year old caucasian man. Is there any advise you could offer me to pass on to him to help with this outbreak and avoid the severity of outbreaks in the future.
Kind regards
Try adding coconut oil-helps skin from inside the body-start 1 tsp 3 times a day.
MSM has helped greatly for a severe bout of super itchy hives. I took 6 (six) 1000mg tabs each day. It’s organic sulphuric really. Safe without the use of drugs