101-110 of 236 Results

Rosehip Oil Benefits for Skin

It's hard to suggest anything over coconut oil for skin, but rosehip oil — also known as rosehip seed oil — is running a close race with coconut oil when it comes to its benefits for the skin. Rose hips were a remedy used by the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Native Americans all because of…

What Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate? Where It’s Found + Risks

Although you're probably not aware of it, many skin care and beauty products contain chemicals that are commonly irritating. One example is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is added to things like cleansers and soaps. What is sodium lauryl sulfate? In this article we'll look closely at what this mystery ingredient does, plus products you'll…

What Is Windburn? Symptoms, Treatment & How to Prevent It

If you've spent time in windy conditions recently and now have red, chafed and dry skin, windburn is likely to blame. Harsh conditions outdoors can strip your skin of oils, cause inflammation, and leave your skin looking and feeling irritated. Your skin's epidermis, the outermost layer that contains lipids (oils), acts as a protective barrier…

Homemade Lotion with Frankincense, Lavender & Peppermint Oils

Did you know that almost anything you put on your skin can seep right through and into your bloodstream? Yes, that includes parabens and other dangerous chemicals in skin products. So while many of you have taken the clean eating movement seriously (and that is fantastic!), many are forgetting about the products that they are…

Vitamin E Oil for Skin & Hair

Is vitamin E oil good for your skin? Vitamin E is both a nutrient and antioxidant with a history of use in dermatology for over 50 years. Scientific research demonstrates that it benefits a number of common skin concerns including burns, scars and wounds. If you look at the skin care products you currently own,…

How to Get Rid of Pimples

If you're wondering how to get rid of pimples, you are far from alone. The most common skin condition in America is acne, characterized by frequent zits, pimples and breakouts. Surveys show that acne affects about 85 percent of teenagers and continues into adult life for at least 20 percent of adults (more commonly in woman…

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 10 Natural Remedies

Most of us know dandruff as that flaky white stuff found on the scalp or, more embarrassingly, on the shoulders of your nice black sweater. The tough part is knowing how to get rid of dandruff. That’s something that most of us, frustratingly, do not know. Dandruff is more common than you may think, as…

Greek Yogurt Nutrition: Good or Bad?

Around the world, dairy is mostly recognized as an important part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Yogurt is usually the most acclaimed dairy product of all — especially Greek yogurt, which has become more popular than ever over the past decade or so, considering it's especially high in protein, calcium, selenium and phosphorus. On the…

15 Carrier Oils for Essential Oils

You've probably been hearing a lot about essential oil uses and benefits lately. And in the descriptions of how essential oils can be used topically to fight infections and improve the health of your skin, it's commonly recommended that you combine an essential oil with a carrier oil before applying it to your body. So…

Homemade Anti-Aging Serum

Anti-aging serums can be expensive and contain harmful chemicals. Instead, try this homemade anti-aging serum recipe. It contains nutrients and antioxidants that will help the skin look vibrant and youthful while delivering vital nutrients and hydration. Apply to the parts of the body that you feel needs the most anti-aging effects, which are usually the…