141-150 of 350 Results

42 Best Post-Workout Meals for Faster Results

Whether you’re working out to lose fat, increase muscle tone or just feel good, hitting the gym is only part of the battle to get the best results. While your diet matters throughout the day, your post-workout meal might play the biggest role of all — take that, breakfast. See, your body stores glycogen and…

Study: A Nutritious Diet May Reduce Diabetes Risk Regardless of Genetics

According to researchers who study metabolic disorders, both genetics and lifestyle factors — especially one's diet and exercise habits — can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. We've known for decades that to prevent and reverse diabetes naturally, eating a nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory diet is key. In fact, a new study found that the quality of…

Foodborne Illness Symptoms, Causes + How to Treat and Prevent One

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness every year. Bacteria such as E.coli, salmonella and campylobacter are responsible for many public foodborne outbreaks. These pathogens can cause a range of symptoms once they enter someone's body, including diarrhea and vomiting. What…

50 Keto Recipes — High in Healthy Fats + Low in Carbs

Trying new diets can be tough: all those things to avoid, to eat more  of, new ingredients to buy. It's enough to drive anyone bonkers, but there's one way of eating that's gained notoriety — the ketogenic, or "keto," diet and its keto recipes. The keto diet is one of the most effective that I've…

Study: Protein Variety May Lower Hypertension Risk

A diet rich in protein is linked to a number of health benefits for both middle-aged and older adults, including help with weight management, bone health and retention of muscle mass. Can protein lower high blood pressure? It seems that eating different types of protein sources, including both plant and animal proteins, is the key…

Diet Quality in Pregnancy and the Risk of Fetal Growth Restriction

While a fetus is developing within a mother's womb, it's possible for his/her growth to be stunted (or "restricted") due to a number of factors, including the mom's health and genetic abnormalities. Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a condition in which an unborn baby is smaller than expected based on the point in pregnancy. Although…

Changing Diet to Extend Life: Healthy Food Choices Can Add 8 to 13 Years

Dietary risk factors are estimated to cause 11 million deaths annually. Can a healthy diet extend your life span? According to recent research, it very likely can. We've known for years that diets containing plenty of healthy fats (such as from olive oil and nuts), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (from foods like veggies, fruits and…

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars Recipe — A Healthy Blondie!

Ever hear of a "blondie" brownie? A blondie resembles your traditional brownie, with one major difference, one's made with vanilla and the other with chocolate. The thing is, I love benefit-rich dark chocolate and even my blondie has to have some chocolate chips thrown in there, so this recipe is a spin on the blondie (which…

Foods High in Sulfur and Their Benefits

We hear a lot about the importance of consuming foods that provide minerals like calcium and potassium. Foods high in sulfur get less attention, even though sulfur-rich foods offer many benefits. Sulfur is a nutrient that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, which is why veggies that are high in this mineral — such as…

Greek Yogurt Nutrition: Good or Bad?

Around the world, dairy is mostly recognized as an important part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Yogurt is usually the most acclaimed dairy product of all — especially Greek yogurt, which has become more popular than ever over the past decade or so, considering it's especially high in protein, calcium, selenium and phosphorus. On the…