91-100 of 354 Results

Leaky Gut Syndrome: 7 Signs You May Have It

As more Americans are affected by poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance, it appears that the prevalence of leaky gut is potentially reaching epidemic proportions. The medical profession is just now agreeing this condition even exists, which is especially shocking considering that “intestinal permeability” (another name for leaky gut) has been…

What Is Fermentation? Benefits + How to Ferment Foods

You've heard all about the benefits of fermented foods, but just what is fermentation — and why is it so important? Fermentation is a process used to produce the finest wine; many of our basic staples, such as bread and cheese; and pleasurable delights, including beer, chocolate, coffee and yogurt. Most importantly, though, it helps…

Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

On college campuses, in fraternities and sororities, in backyards, in basements, and in bars, people are drinking to excess and getting alcohol poisoning, a life-threatening (and entirely preventable) emergency. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 2,200 deaths each year in the United States attributed to this condition,…

Symptoms of Thyroid Problems & Remedies That Help

Because the thyroid gland serves as the body’s thermostat — continuously regulating things like temperature, hunger levels and energy expenditure — symptoms of thyroid problems can affect nearly the whole body. Experts estimate there are roughly 20 million Americans suffering from some type of thyroid disorder (mostly hypothyroidism/underactive thyroid and, to a lesser extend, hyperthyroidism).…

Natural Ways to Help Deal With Adrenal Insufficiency

Adrenal insufficiency is a condition that occurs when your adrenal glands become impaired and therefore don't produce high enough levels of several important hormones. In people with adrenal insufficiency, levels of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone (a type of mineralocorticoid) are both usually lower than in healthy people. The adrenal glands are truly amazing in…

7 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid & 3 to Eat

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morality in developed and developing countries. High LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations along with low HDL cholesterol concentrations are associated with elevated cardiovascular disease risk. To ensure that you maintain heart health, it's important that you consume cholesterol-lowering foods and avoid high-cholesterol foods that lead to inflammation and weight…

GAPS Diet Plan & Protocol for Solving Gut Issues + More

It's undeniable that there is an intricate connection between your gut microbiome and overall health. Made up of trillions of microorganisms, increasing research shows that the health of your gut flora is thought to have a massive influence on health and disease. Improving the composition of your gut microbiome is the main concept behind the…

18+ Natural Ways to Help Treat Oral Thrush

Uncomfortable and unattractive, oral thrush is both painful and problematic. It can easily be passed from one person to the next before oral candida symptoms even begin to appear. To make matters worse, there are also drug-resistant strains of candida that cannot be treated with antifungal medications. But guess what? There are safe, natural and…

Surprising Foods with Gluten (Be Wary of the “Gluten-Free” Label!)

In a Gallup survey conducted in 2015, 20 percent of Americans said they tried to include gluten-free foods in their diets, and according to Forbes, the number of people following gluten-free diets tripled between 2009 and 2017. However, sometimes it can be difficult to discern foods with gluten from ones without, which can be problematic…

Top 6 Organ-Nourishing Foods (Plus Other Ways to Protect Organs)

We know the importance of protecting the internal organs due to all the vital functions they serve in the body, and that means eating foods that support and benefit them. What are the best organ-nourishing foods to eat? As you probably guessed, some of the top superfoods on the planet are also some of the…