201-210 of 614 Results

Is Aspartame Bad for You?

Few food additives have been studied with such scrutiny — or with more controversy — than that of aspartame. Proponents of diet drinks claim that no adverse effects have been proven and that aspartame-laced products contribute to weight loss. On the other side of the coin, a large community of health-conscious, anti-aspartame health practitioners and…

Amaranth: A Gluten-Free, Protein-Rich Grain Full of Benefits

If you're on the lookout for gluten-free grains that pack a nutritional punch, you'll definitely want to try amaranth. The grain is gaining popularity today because of its startling health benefits. It has an earthy and nutty flavor, helps you to feel full because of its fiber content, and like quinoa, serves as an excellent…

Glycemic Index: Determining High- vs. Low-Glycemic Foods

Did you know that according to the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study, women eating the highest glycemic load diets were much more likely to develop type 2 diabetes or heart disease compared to women of the same age with the lowest glycemic load diets? This is a pretty startling statistic, especially considering the rapid rise in foods…

Onions Nutrition Benefits the Heart, Bones & More (+ Onion Recipes)

Records show that various types of onions have been used worldwide as a valuable medicinal and food source for thousands of years. Many ancient populations believed that onion nutrition had a beneficial effect on disease treatment and immunity, which is why this vegetable has long been encouraged as part of a healing diet. Why is…

What Is the Macrobiotic Diet? Learn About Benefits & Top Foods

The meaning of macrobiotic is "great life." The core concepts central to the macrobiotic diet, including the Traditional Chinese Medicine belief balancing yin and yang both within the body and one's environment, date back many centuries in ancient Eastern traditions. Proponents of macrobiotic eating approaches have long encouraged people to eat natural, whole foods that…

Rosacea Treatment: 6 Natural Ways to Treat Your Skin

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects between 0.5 percent to 10 percent of the population, leaving people searching for rosacea treatment options. It commonly develops during teenage years or someone's 20s and then can become worse into the 30s or 40s. The cause of rosacea is still not entirely understood, though there are…

What Is a Carb Cycling Diet? How It Can Boost Weight Loss Efforts

Perhaps you’ve heard that your metabolism is a lot like a fire: If you fuel “the fire” with the right ingredients it keeps burning hotter. On the other hand, not adding enough fuel for too long will cause the fire to weaken and fizzle out. When looking for how to lose weight fast, carb cycling…

Atkins Diet: How It Works, Health Benefits, Plus Precautions

The Atkins diet — a popular low-carb diet that’s high in fats and proteins but low in carbohydrates — has been around for more than 40 years. Various books written about the Atkins diet are some of the best-selling in the diet category, with more than 45 million sold worldwide since its original publication in 1972.…

12 Natural Sore Throat Remedies for Fast Relief

A sore throat can come on at any time, and it's caused by a number of reasons. Thankfully, there are natural sore throat remedies that you can use at home and don't require an antibiotic prescription to deal with sore throat problems. Some sore throats can be due to a bacterial infection or strep throat,…

11 Best Sugar Substitutes (the Healthiest Natural Sweeteners)

How much sugar per day do Americans consume? It's estimated that the average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar every day and around 57 pounds of added sugar each year. Not only are many people eating and drinking way too much sugar, but the use of artificial sweeteners is on the rise too. Thankfully, there…