501-510 of 614 Results

Sjögren’s Syndrome: 9 Ways to Self-Manage Symptoms

Sjögren's syndrome is one of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases in the United States, affecting an estimated 7,000,000 people, with only 4,000,000 of those being diagnosed. While it primarily affects the salivary glands and tear ducts, it can also affect other cells and tissues in the body. (1) The vast majority of cases are women,…

Psoriatic Arthritis + 7 Natural Ways to Relieve Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis is one of the major complications that's associated with psoriasis, a relapsing inflammatory skin disease. An estimated 30 percent of people with psoriasis symptoms will go on to develop psoriatic arthritis, another type of inflammatory disease that's caused by both genetic and environmental factors. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, delaying treatment for…

45 Best Casserole Recipes (Including the Healthiest Chicken Casseroles!)

There's something about the winter months that makes casseroles a go-to meal for most families. A lot of the best casserole recipes out there, however, are actually not so great for you. They're often loaded with refined carbohydrates, heavily processed ingredients and other frankenfoods. Luckily, there are some easy casserole recipes that hit the mark. These…

Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms + How to Reduce Sugar Cravings

Is sugar bad for you? While natural sugars are necessary, it's no secret that excess sugar is detrimental to health. In fact, a high-sugar diet has been associated with a slew of health conditions, from diabetes to heart disease and beyond. But if you've ever tried to cut out sugar cold turkey, you've probably been…

Are Fungi the Natural Pesticides of the Future?

Did you know that organic agriculture actually permits pesticide use? It’s true — but we need to clarify exactly what “pesticide use” actually means. The word “pesticide” brings to mind scary, synthetic chemicals that farmers apply while wearing head-to-toe protective gear. And while this is certainly the case at least some of the time, it’s…

19 Healthy, New Ingredients to Cook With

With the new year comes a host of health-related resolutions: exercise more frequently, perhaps cut out unhealthy ingredients like artificial sweeteners or maybe even reduce screen time and nomophobia. There’s one resolution, however, that’s often overlooked, can have a direct impact on your health and is easy to do: cook more at home! In fact,…

Vanilla Oil Helps Balance Hormones, Reduce Inflammation & Prevent Cancer

Vanilla extract is widely used in both commercial and domestic baking, perfume manufacturing and aromatherapy, but many people don't realize the array of health benefits that come from using vanilla oil, even though it is not technically an essential oil. Internally, pure vanilla oil fights inflammation, works as an antidepressant and contains high levels of antioxidants…

Edible Food Parts You Never Knew You Could Eat

Across America, food "scraps" are often trimmings, skins and seeds tossed in the garbage. But as I started investigating these "waste products," I quickly found many of these actually serve as edible food parts with robust nutrition. In fact, many ancient cultures, including Chinese medicine and Native American remedies, tapped the healthy compounds in some of…

Dangers of Fad Diets

The vast majority of adults have been "on a diet" at some point in their lives, usually with the hopes of losing extra weight. One look into the plethora of diet advice and dietary plans available today, and it's easy to feel instantly overwhelmed by information, much of which is contradictory. From diet pills to…

The Best Lactation Cookies Recipe to Support Milk Supply

Have you ever heard of lactation cookies? Maybe you've seen them for sale in the baby food aisle and were curious about how a cookie can possibly improve your milk production. It turns out, many women turn to foods and herbs to help increase their milk supply. Fenugreek and blessed thistle are two of the…