491-500 of 614 Results

5 Healthy Ways to Spice Up Your Green Tea

Green tea is renowned for its health benefits — it helps with weight loss, keeps your heart healthy and is a powerhouse of cancer-fighting antioxidants. (1) In fact, recent studies have focused on the ability of green tea to help prevent two major health problems faced by Americans today: heart disease and obesity. Research has…

Reye’s Syndrome Dangers (+ 6 Natural Aspirin Alternatives)

Reye's syndrome is an incredibly rare and serious illness that affects the brain, liver and other organs in the body. It most often occurs in children while they are recovering from common childhood viral infections such as chickenpox, influenza, mumps or the measles. (1, 2) While it is most common in children between the ages…

Is Elk Meat Healthy? Top 6 Benefits of Elk Meat Nutrition

Elk meat may not make a regular appearance in your family's weekly dinner rotation, but maybe it should. High in protein, low in fat, and jam-packed with tons of vitamins and minerals, elk meat is truly a powerhouse of nutrition. Not only is it healthy, but it's also incredibly versatile. You can swap it in…

6 Goat Cheese Benefits, Nutrition Facts & Recipes

If you're a lover of cheese, you might wonder what kind of cheese, if any, is good for you. Goat cheese, with its tangy taste and crumbly texture, has earned a reputation as being one of the healthiest cheese choices there is. What are some of the reasons that nutritionists and even certain obesity experts…

Stages of Nutrition for Babies + Best Baby Foods

According to a 2018 statement made by the American Academy of Pediatrics, "a baby's nutritional environment during the first 1,000 days of life is critical to lifelong mental health and development." We can all agree that feeding babies the most nutrient-dense foods from a young age is ideal, but it can be hard to navigate…

Ease Lichen Planus Discomfort: 9 Natural Treatments

If you have a rash with red, purple or bluish lesions that itches and spreads, you may have lichen planus. This disease is triggered by the immune system in response to stress, allergens or a viral infection.  It may affect the skin, scalp and nails, as well as the mouth and the genitals. Discomfort can range from…

Don’t Scratch! Molluscum Contagiosum (+ 4 Ways to Help Treat It) 

Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a skin condition that affects the "pediatric population" (babies and children) most often. The virus is common among children between the ages of 1–10, especially those who spend a lot of time in daycare where germs tend to linger and spread. That being said, anyone can acquire the MCV virus— especially…

Is Star Anise Good for You? 6 Benefits of This Sweet Spice

From its unmistakable aroma to its unique star-shaped appearance, star anise is truly a one-of-a-kind spice. Plus, not only is it super versatile and chock-full of flavor, but it also contains a number of compounds that can help kick up your health. Not to be confused with anise seed benefits, star anise benefits include killing…

Anise Seed Benefits Blood Sugar & May Protect Against Ulcers

Ranked as one of the top herbs and spices for healing, anise seed is a nutritional powerhouse when it comes to your health. Plus, besides being associated with an extensive list of anise seed benefits ranging from reduced blood sugar to decreased menopause symptoms, it also boasts a unique flavor that's ideal for kicking up…

5 Benefits of the Ayurvedic Diet + How to Follow an Ayurvedic Diet Plan

Ayurveda, considered a natural system of healing wisdom, originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. (1) This Sanskrit word Ayurveda translates as “the knowledge of life" (ayur means life, while veda means science or knowledge). Ayurvedic medicine is still practiced widely today in modern India and now also extends its influence worldwide, including the practice…