81-90 of 102 Results

Longan: the Asian Fruit with Therapeutic and Culinary Benefits!

If you've ever visited Vietnam, Thailand or China, you may have come across the fruit called longan, a relative of lychee. Longan is a white-fleshed, juicy fruit with yellow-brown skin that grows in hanging clusters. Each small fruit is about the size of a large olive and is sometimes called a "berry" (although it's not…

What Is Prickly Pear? The Native American Superfruit

If you've ever visited Mexico or the Southwest United States, you may have come across a type of pink cactus fruit called prickly pear. It has a long history of use in folklore medicine and according to historians, was relied upon by Native Americans who used the fruit not only for food, but also as…

14 Best Fish to Eat, Plus Recipe Ideas

Rich in heart-healthy fats, protein and a megadose of important vitamins and minerals, there's no doubt that fish can be a great addition to a balanced diet. In fact, many health organizations like the American Heart Association even recommend squeezing at least two servings into your diet per week to boost heart health and protect…

Papain: Beneficial Enzyme or Commercial Fad?

You may know of papaya as the orange-colored tropical fruit that's consumed for its flavor and impressive nutrient profile, but how often do you think about its star ingredient — papain? Papain is a special enzyme that's found in raw papaya. It's popular in folk medicine because of its ability to break down proteins, aid…

Banana Fungus Discovered in Colombia: How Will This Impact Banana Production?

Last week, researchers confirmed that a serious fungus has spread across banana plantations in Colombia, and the banana fungus could put the fruit in serious danger. This isn't the first time Fusarium oxysporum has had detrimental effects on banana growth, as it impacted plantations in the Philippines decades ago. But as this fungal disease called Panama…

Prevent Disease & Fight Aging with Micronutrients

Proteins, fats and carbs garner a good amount of attention among dieters and health-conscious consumers alike. While it’s true that these macronutrients are absolutely vital to the function of your body, there are many other compounds that play a role in your health as well, including micronutrients. In fact, micronutrients work behind the scenes to…

21 Paleo Breakfast Ideas That Aren’t Eggs and Bacon

The Paleo diet plan bases its principles on the eating habits of the Paleolithic era (AKA the Old Stone Age) and promotes foods that could be hunted and gathered during the time period. This means lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Paleo diet recipes limit foods that came about at the age of farming, including dairy…

10 Best Legumes to Eat

Legumes are a common ingredient used in a variety of different cuisines around the globe. Not only are they versatile and delicious, but many types are also brimming with health benefits and important nutrients that your body needs. So are beans legumes? Are chickpeas legumes? And what are examples of legumes in addition to these…

Mulberry: The Fruit that Protects Your Heart & Liver

There's a pretty good chance that you've seen a mulberry tree or two pop up in your local park, neighborhood or even your own backyard. This tree produces a tart and tasty fruit that looks similar to a blackberry and can be used to sweeten up just about any dish. The mulberry fruit may be…

Tamarind Fruit Benefits Weight Loss, Heart Health & More

Classified as both a legume and a fruit, the tamarind fruit is unique in just about every way. From its pod-like appearance to its distinct sour-sweet taste, it's true that there's nothing ordinary about this tasty fruit. The tamarind fruit is a staple ingredient in cuisines around the world. Used to make everything from candy…