281-290 of 614 Results

Herbed Compound Butter Recipe

Sometimes, we just want a good steak. And maybe some salt and pepper is all you require to make it taste like heaven. But have you ever tried compound butter on top? It takes steak, or chicken, fish or even veggies, to another level. Compound butter (or a flavored butter) is essentially traditional butter mixed…

DIY Face Scrub with Coffee

Getting rid of dead skin by exfoliating with a face scrub reduces buildup of dirt, bacteria and dead skin in the pores and helps eliminate whiteheads. Face scrub, or a facial scrub, is a gentle exfoliating cleanser. It typically consists of small granular particles to get rid of old skin cells. This allows new skin…

How to Get Rid of Pimples

If you're wondering how to get rid of pimples, you are far from alone. The most common skin condition in America is acne, characterized by frequent zits, pimples and breakouts. Surveys show that acne affects about 85 percent of teenagers and continues into adult life for at least 20 percent of adults (more commonly in woman…

Top 5 Healthiest Bread Types to Eat

Bread has earned a bad reputation among dieters and health enthusiasts, but the truth is there are many different types of breads in existence, some of which have been eaten for thousands of years and offer a number of health benefits. While some types definitely have their drawbacks, the healthiest bread options can be beneficial…

99 Healthy Crock Pot Recipes

For some, the crock pot is just another kitchen tool collecting dust in a cabinet. For others, it’s a great way to make roasts, chili and a whole host of crock pot recipes. Do you have a crock pot collecting dust in a cabinet? Perhaps you bring out your slow cooker a few times a…

Chocolate Cream Pie Recipe

I love a good fruit or pumpkin pie. But sometimes, you just need a healthy dose of chocolate. And that's what you're getting with this Chocolate Cream Pie recipe. Coconut ingredients, like coconut oil and coconut milk, are some of my favorites. They add so much nutrition to recipes along with a rich, creamy flavor…

30 Healthy Hummus Recipes

Who doesn’t love hummus? You can spread the creamy dip on crackers, dunk fresh-cut veggies in it, spread it on toast and more. Plus, there are so many hummus recipes you can try. Beware of store-bought brands that can be filled with preservatives and other less-than-desirable ingredients, though. Instead, try making your own hummus recipes.…

How to Get Rid of Jock Itch: 9 Natural Remedies

You don’t have to be an athlete or a jock to get jock itch. However, it’s most common in athletes because they sweat more than the average person and often wear sweaty clothing for long periods of time. This can make for the perfect breeding ground for the bacteria that causes this frustrating fungal infection. While…

DIY Dry Scalp Remedy with Rosemary Oil

Dreaded dry scalp is a common feature among dandruff sufferers, and too often we turn to the drugstore shelves for some magic elixir to solve the scalp problem. Typically all these toxic shampoos do is cover our head with ineffective yet dangerous chemicals — but thankfully there are DIY dry scalp remedy options out there.…

What Are Nigella Seeds? Top 5 Benefits + How to Use

Not only are nigella seeds used similarly to cumin, sesame and fennel seeds in cooking, but they're also the main ingredient found in black seed oil and kalonji, a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to help support the immune system. Nigella seeds and kalonji (the Hindi name for this plant) are full of antioxidants,…