121-130 of 358 Results

Plant-Based Diet: Disease-Protective + Promotes Major Weight Loss

The plant-based diet continues to grow in popularity, and it can be beneficial for helping both children and adults to increase their nutrient intake while lowering excess or "empty calorie" intake. It's been shown that plant-based diets (similar to vegetarian diets in many ways) offer protection against coronary heart diseases, metabolic syndrome risk factors, some…

How to Avoid Digestive Enzymes Side Effects

If you're someone who struggles with digestive issues, such as acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease or nutrient malabsorption (a common problem among elderly adults), then digestive enzymes may be one of many dietary supplements that can help offer you relief. When we take these enzymes in supplement form we can benefit by more…

Acid Reflux Diet: Best Foods, Foods to Avoid & Supplements that Help

If you experience acid reflux symptoms — such as chest pains, burning sensations that can pick up at night and disturb your sleep, and difficulty eating many foods — and want to find some relief, you must improve your acid reflux diet and make necessary lifestyle changes. These changes include rethinking how you sleep and…

How to Gain Weight Fast in a Safe Way

Being underweight can be just as frustrating as being overweight. For people who experience difficulty gaining weight, it can be confusing to figure out how to gain weight in a healthy way. If you're wondering how to gain weight fast without harming your body, there are certain foods and exercises that can help you increase…

Amaranth: A Gluten-Free, Protein-Rich Grain Full of Benefits

If you're on the lookout for gluten-free grains that pack a nutritional punch, you'll definitely want to try amaranth. The grain is gaining popularity today because of its startling health benefits. It has an earthy and nutty flavor, helps you to feel full because of its fiber content, and like quinoa, serves as an excellent…

How Your Digestive System Works (+ How to Maintain It)

The Western diet and lifestyle are linked to a growing number of digestive diseases. The health of your digestive system has a lot to do with lifestyle, since it's in part determined by the food you eat, the amount of exercise you get and your stress level throughout the day. By better understanding the digestive…

What Is the Macrobiotic Diet? Learn About Benefits & Top Foods

The meaning of macrobiotic is "great life." The core concepts central to the macrobiotic diet, including the Traditional Chinese Medicine belief balancing yin and yang both within the body and one's environment, date back many centuries in ancient Eastern traditions. Proponents of macrobiotic eating approaches have long encouraged people to eat natural, whole foods that…

Rosacea Treatment: 6 Natural Ways to Treat Your Skin

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects between 0.5 percent to 10 percent of the population, leaving people searching for rosacea treatment options. It commonly develops during teenage years or someone's 20s and then can become worse into the 30s or 40s. The cause of rosacea is still not entirely understood, though there are…

Are Lectins Bad for You? Pros & Cons of Lectin Foods

Although lectins are found packed into many highly nutritious foods, they've come under fire lately as a hidden source of health issues and inflammation, placing them among the list of antinutrients in foods. In fact, some nutrition experts claim that these seemingly harmless proteins could have some seriously detrimental effects, throwing your immune system out…

Barley Nutrition Facts, Benefits and How to Cook It

Although barley may not be as popular as other whole grains like oats, wheat or even grain-of-the-moment quinoa, the heath perks associated with barley nutrition shouldn't be overlooked. What are the benefits of eating barley? A very high fiber content (both soluble and insoluble), vitamins and minerals like selenium and magnesium, antioxidants called lignans, plus heart health and diabetes…